Good Shepherd School


To meet the requirements of the school’s Health and Safety Policy and Guidelines, all visitors to the school between 9.00am and 2.45pm must sign in and out on the Visitor’s Register located in the School Office.

School Gates

To keep our students safe, please ensure you close the entrance gates upon entering and exiting the school grounds.

Drink Bottles

Students are encouraged to have water bottles in class for drinking, particularly during the summer months. Only water may be consumed in class. Please ensure you label your child’s bottle.

Cycles & Scooters

 Students may cycle and scoot to and from school. Helmets are mandatory when riding bikes. Bikes and scooters must not be ridden in the school grounds before 6.00pm during the week, they must be walked.  We also ask students to walk their bikes and scooters in the car park areas between 8.30am–8.50am and 3.00pm–3.15pm.  

Skateboards are not allowed in the school grounds at any time.

Children are the responsibility of parents when riding their bikes or scooters to and from school.


It is not the school’s policy to administer any drugs without explicit instructions from a student’s parents/caregivers. No teacher may provide or administer any medication to a student. This may only be done by administration staff. 

Parents/caregivers must provide the school with identified medication in a container which includes the student’s name and dosage details. The medication must be delivered to the school office each morning, the medication sheet signed and the medication collected at 3.00pm. In situations where it is not possible for a parent to deliver the medication, a student may bring the medication to the school office with an accompanying note:

  1. requesting the school to administer the medication;
  2. identifying the medication;
  3. stating the dosage and time to be administered.

Medication must NEVER be left in a student’s school bag and no student is permitted to self-medicate. This is a Health & Safety requirement. 

For those students who require ongoing medical treatment (eg asthma), a medical plan must be set up with the student’s doctor and a copy given to the school.

Public Health Nurse

Good Shepherd School is supported by the Public Health Nurse. Health forms are required to be filled in by parents/caregivers when children begin school. Hearing and vision tests are undertaken regularly. Please let the school know if your child has any health problems, which may affect their personal safety and educational progress.

Accidents & Illness

In the event of an accident requiring medical attention, parents will be phoned. If they are unavailable, the emergency contacts on the child’s enrolment form will be notified. Where no one is available to be contacted, the child will be taken to the St Luke’s Accident and Emergency Clinic.

When a child becomes ill at school, their teacher sends them to the School Office. Parents are then contacted. If parents are unavailable, the emergency contacts on the child’s enrolment form will be contacted.

Should a student become seriously ill or receive a major injury an ambulance will be called. A staff member will stay with the child until parents and/or emergency caregivers arrive.

Dental Clinic

The Dental Van comes to school for students’ initial checkups. For any further treatment, parents are required to transport their child to the Balmoral Children’s Community Dental Clinic, 19 Brixton Road, Mt Eden, telephone 623 4537.





Important Notices