Good Shepherd School


The Holey Fathers is a group of GSS Dads who periodically get together to share a few laughs over a few drinks at the pub but who also pride themselves with carrying out a range of "good deeds” for the school.

Social interaction is high on the agenda for the group but an important focus is providing something for the school that, if it were not for the Holey Fathers, would not be possible (unless the school paid someone to do the work). 

Note: No commitment is required - dads can choose to help with/come to all, none or some of these events - whatever you feel like.

"Good deeds" include:

- Organising the annual Hot House Challenge (fun sporting event for the kids/families held at school in summer); and

- A couple of working bees at school (usually a bit of gardening/tidying the grounds).

Dads' social events include:

- A few drinks and game of bowls

- Annual pool competition; and

- Help organise the School Ball for Parents in conjunction with the  PTFA

We're always open to newcomers coming along to any of these events and we're happy to have new ideas offered.  If you want to find out more or just add your name to the list to receive the occasional email on what's coming up, please touch base with the Holey Fathers  email account below...

Important Notices