Write and publish work using a computer
Talk to your child about your/their writing
Listen to children talk about their written activities
Talk about famous books, what makes them good? How does the type of language help to interest the reader?
Play a variety of word games, e.g. scrabble, crosswords and association
Work together on the small word games found in the children’s section (or word section) of the newspaper
Write instructions for a game children design or play
Look at features of books during reading, e.g. use of language, punctuation, grammar, paragraphing, speech
Add detail to comment on significant points of interest to the reader
Create a picture book for younger children
Include a hook at the beginning of a text to engage the audience
Use persuasive language to convince the audience of a point of view
Understand the purpose of paragraphs and begin to use them to order ideas
Use different text layouts, e.g. newspaper and narrative styles
Use humour to capture audience interest
Continue to entertain the audience through the use of appropriate language choices
Add detail to comment on significant points of interest to the reader