Good Shepherd School

Gifted and Talented Education at Good Shepherd


All students regardless of race, age or gender, by virtue of their dignity as human persons, have a right to an education that suited to their particular needs and adapted to this ability.


(Declaration on Christian Education), POPE PAUL VI


Good Shepherd School celebrates diversity and, as a Christian community, is committed to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of each child.  Good Shepherd School provides an education that is challenging, engaging and intentional.



The Good Shepherd School community has agreed on the following definition of gifted and talented students:


Gifted and talented students at Good Shepherd School are those who demonstrate exceptional performance and flair in relation to their peers of the same age, or who have potential outstanding ability in one or more of the following areas:

- General or specific academic aptitude

- Creative ability

- Leadership ability/social skills

- Visual or performing arts, including cultural arts

- Physical ability

- Technological ability


As a multicultural Catholic school, we acknowledge the special abilities that our children may have within the cultural and spiritual domains.



In line with our definition of gifted and talented, Good Shepherd School uses multiple criteria to identify very able students.  The identification process includes our school checklist, formal and informal assessments, student work and teacher knowledge and anecdotal evidence of students' abilities.  We also value input from parents and whānau.



Good Shepherd School caters for the needs of gifted and talented students in a variety of ways and continues to develop programmes to meed the needs of these learners.


Classroom-based programmes

Most provision for gifted and talented students occurs within classroom programmes through personalized and differentiated learning.  This means that all aspect of learning - content, process and product - are differentiated to meed the needs of each learner or group of learners.  Classroom teachers use the following strategies:

                 - Assessment for learning principles which encourage children to take control of their


                 - Problem solving, thinking and questioning skills and inquiry learning

                 - Choice and multiple opportunities for learning

                 - Flexible grouping, including both ability and mixed-ability

                 - A combination of both enrichment and acceleration

                 - A culturally-responsive environment


Extra-curricular programmes

Good Shepherd School has over the years offered a wide range of activities that cater for the strengths and interests of our students such as:

                             - Science Club                             - Environmental Sustainability and Travelwise

                             - Chess Club                                 - A variety of interschool sports

                             - Kids' Lit Quiz                              - Art Extension

                             - Gardening Club                        - Performing Arts

                             - Choir                                            - Ukulele Group

                             - Code Club


Specialist Modules - Pūmanawa

The word Pūmanawa means 'natural talent' or 'intuitive cleverness' and this programme offers the children the opportunity to pursue an area of strength or interest over a term.  In the past the following programmes have been offered:

                          French                                                Portuguese                                      Mandarin

                          Baking                                                Electronics                                        Practical Science

                          Play writing                                       Visual art                                           Cultural games

                          Physical Education & Health        Craft                                                    Taekwondo



Out of School Programmes

There are a number of out of school opportunities for gifted and talented learners (see websites below)

Useful Websites:



Important Notices